Once Upon a Younger Year tells the story of a sixteen-year-old high school student, Adeola Adeoye, who comes back into the hostel after two terms as a day student, with the sole aim of running for Head Boy, the highest post in the school. With less than twenty-four hours into his return, he gets acquainted with members of TALKLESS, the most popular boy group in school and despite his doubts about potential future troubles with fellow students and staff, he flows in albeit having it at the back of his mind that he is solely there for all the help the guys can offer in achieving his ambition. Weeks into the new term, he discovers that he is the least favorite amongst top members of staff, who frown at his audacity to just check into the hostel for the sole purpose of becoming the head-boy. With that in mind, he decides that his ambition should definitely change. Asides his earnest aspiration and his newly found acquaintances, a part of his social routine begins to take its own toll on him as his relationship life becomes quite more complicated than he would have wished for. Quarrels with his girlfriend, Peace, a strikingly beautiful girl in his class, become intertwined with a burgeoning connection orchestrated by his new friends between himself and Angel, the most beautiful girl in school. Final year comes at last and Adeola gets to discover that there is more to life than a high school prefect badge. The story trails Adeola's journey through his last moments in high school as he gets to experience the peaks and lows of a rare brotherhood friendship, love, relationships and the early stages of adulthood.
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