In this emotionally charged narrative, a woman grapples with her strained relationship with Chuka, a man whose predictability and lack of passion stifle her. Her discontent is contrasted with the excitement she feels for Digbari, a charismatic South African man she has only connected with online. Despite her growing detachment from Chuka, she hesitates to fully commit to Digbari, fearing the unknown. As Digbari becomes unresponsive, she spirals into a desperate search for him, scouring social media and obsessively dialing his number. Her turmoil is compounded when Chuka asks her to accompany him to Pretoria to support his overbearing sister, Amaka, who is going through a crisis. Upon arriving in Pretoria, she is confronted with the shocking and devastating reality that Digbari has passed away. The funeral service reveals his true identity as Dr. Steve Digbarinama Nthalo, leaving her to process the grief of losing a man she loved but never met in person.
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