Step into the enchanting world of "Love in Bloom," a romantic short story set in a picturesque countryside village and centered around the charming flower shop, Petals & Promises. Follow the journey of Alex, a talented artist, as he finds himself drawn to the ethereal beauty of Lily, the gentle-hearted proprietor of the shop. Amidst the vibrant blooms and fragrant air, their blossoming romance unfolds, filled with laughter, shared dreams, and the tender moments that define true love. Experience the magic of their connection as they navigate the uncertainties of romance, culminating in a heartwarming realization of their feelings amidst the petals and candles of Petals & Promises.
Vie, a young woman in her twenties, reflects on a tumultuous period in her teenage years. Trapped in an abusive relationship, Vie details her struggles, resilience, and eventual escape. The story explores themes of manipulation, self-discovery, and the importance of finding strength within yourself.
A Tale of Silent Admiration: Unveiling Emotions Through Poetry and Compassion. Will Love Triumph Over Tradition?
This is the story of a girl who loves her colleague, then how she fights for her man. This story is dedicated for all the one-side lovers.
Embarking on a Journey of Love: Discovering Self-Love Through Sports and Relationships This story chronicles the beginning of a transformative journey, where the pursuit of love leads to unexpected discoveries about oneself. Amidst the trials of loving another person and the passion for a sport, the protagonist learns a profound lesson in self-love. As they navigate the complexities of relationships and the dedication required by their athletic pursuits, they ultimately find that the most valuable love of all is the one they cultivate within themselves.