Taken place in the empty plains of Africa where no other animal is in sight, a male lion finds his childhood friend, an elephant who lost his memory and together they would have to survive through earthquakes, floods and wild fires to reach a valley as their new home and shelter from the disasters of their chaotic world.
Capítulo 1 1. Es el año 2042. El mundo es un lugar muy diferente al que era hace apenas unas décadas. La tecnología ha avanzado a un ritmo sin precedentes y, con ella, nuestra comprensión del universo. Ahora sabemos que hay muchas cosas por ahí que ni siquiera podemos empezar a comprender. 1. The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Technology has advanced at an unprecedented pace and, with it, our understanding of the universe. We now know that there are many things out there that we can't even begin to understand. 2. Una de estas cosas son los elefantes rosados ??del tamaño de una moneda de un centavo. Estas criaturas fueron descubiertas por primera vez por un equipo de científicos en la Antártida en 2039. Estaban realizando una expedición de investigación en la capa de hielo cuando se encontraron con un pequeño grupo de elefantes. Los científicos quedaron asombrados por lo que vieron. Los elefantes tenían sólo el tamaño de una moneda de un centavo, pero estaban perfectamente formados y tenían todas las características de un elefante normal.
While strolling through an elephant camp, a gentleman noticed that the elephants weren't being chained or confined in cages. A short length of rope fastened to one of their legs was the only thing preventing them from leaving the camp. The man was looking at the elephants and couldn't figure out why they didn't just break the rope and go out of the camp with their might. They could have easily done so, but they did not attempt at all.