"Eternal Flames" is a captivating love story set in the quaint town of Willowbrook. Spirited artist Emily inherits a charming old bookstore, Whispering Pages, where she meets brooding architect Alexander. As they restore the bookstore together, sparks fly between them, igniting a passionate romance. However, both must confront their pasts and fears as they navigate their relationship. With elements of mystery, history, and personal growth, "Eternal Flames" weaves a tale of love, loss, and redemption, reminding us that the greatest love stories are found in unexpected places.
When love finds its way into Victoria Morales' life, everything feels so perfect. Her marriage with Martín Peréz is a dream come true, yet a reality set to come to an end. It is all love until a past, an enemy, and a family's taste for revenge put her in a situation where she questions everything about Martín. Hearts are shattered, trust is broken, but in the end, will love still prevail?
After having heard it said once too many times that; all men are dogs, I thought: if that's true! Who then, is the dog trainer that trained these pups and taught them those cunning, clever doggy tricks? and a book was born, the "Manley book."