Short Gym Stories

  • Weight Lifted

    "Weight Lifted" is a gripping narrative that follows the unexpected journey of an individual who, after being mysteriously abducted, finds themselves in a surprisingly comfortable confinement. The captor provides a well-furnished room with all the comforts of home, and the protagonist begins to question the motives behind such hospitality. The suspense heightens as the days pass, and the abductor remains silent in the face of the captive's inquiries about their fate. The story takes an unexpected turn when, after six months, the protagonist is released back into the world, only to confront a shocking reality: a significant and inexplicable weight gain that poses a new challenge in their life. The tale explores the psychological and physical aftermath of an unusual abduction, leaving readers with lingering questions about the true nature of the captor's intentions.

    Feb 26, 2024 4 min read