"Eternal Flames" is a captivating love story set in the quaint town of Willowbrook. Spirited artist Emily inherits a charming old bookstore, Whispering Pages, where she meets brooding architect Alexander. As they restore the bookstore together, sparks fly between them, igniting a passionate romance. However, both must confront their pasts and fears as they navigate their relationship. With elements of mystery, history, and personal growth, "Eternal Flames" weaves a tale of love, loss, and redemption, reminding us that the greatest love stories are found in unexpected places.
This story is about a Princess who travels back in time to meat a dragon. The dragon holds her prisoner hoping that she will eventually break the spell. Read to find out how the story ends. Thanks for subscribing!
In the quaint town of Maple Ridge, Texas, police officer Drake Larson and his wife, Abby, a charismatic hair stylist, are the epitome of a perfect couple. However, beneath the surface, their marriage is strained by Abby's narcissistic need for constant adoration. As Drake navigates his demanding job and his unyielding love for Abby, he struggles to find balance and recognition in their relationship.