A young girl named Mashenka, works as a governess in the Vassilyevna house and she comes home to find the house in turmoil and finds her mistress rummaging through her things. the maids ell her a very expensive brooch was lost. Mashenka is very disturbed that Fedosya Vassilyevna her mother would look through her things assuming she was the thief Madame Fedosya then says at dinner that she will not tolerate thieves in the house. this pushes Mashenka over the edge, and she decides to leave. Nikolai Serge itch, master of the house begs her to stay and reveals to her that he stole the brooch. Mashenka knows she can't stay in the house a moment longer and leaves.
In "A Pair of Silk Stockings," Little Mrs. Sommers faces a minor dilemma that eventually becomes a conscious expression of her desire to return to a past that she can no longer have, reflecting her subconscious craving for the autonomy and independence that she does not have while under the pressures of poverty. The nostalgic desire to reclaim past grandeur recalls the dilemma of Ma'ame Pélagie in Chopin's eponymous short story, although Ma'ame Pélagie lives in the past and sacrifices it for the present whereas Mrs. Sommers lives in the present and temporarily leaves her reality in order to recall her past. Mrs. Sommers does not merely aspire to wealth in the manner of those who have never had money; instead, as Mrs. Sommers's neighbors note, she has in fact seen better days and intuitively equates her youth with simple luxuries such as silk stockings and kid gloves.
Trysdale, a young man, noble, wealthy and cultured, realizes that his girl friend is excessively devoted to him and sort of worships him. She showers him with all sorts of superlative appellations and Trysdale very fondly accepts them, as naturally as the desert sand soaks up rain. He takes her for granted, since the guiding principle of his life is vanity.
The story describes a fictional small town which observes an annual ritual known as "the lottery", which results in the killing of one individual in the town.
In the story, a boy named Nicholas is punished by his strict aunt for putting a frog in his bowl of bread-and-milk at breakfast. As further punishment, he is told to stay out of the gooseberry garden. Convinced that Nicholas will disobey her, the aunt puts herself on sentry duty in the garden. Nicholas, however, has a better plan for the afternoon. He intends to sneak into the mysterious lumber room which is always kept locked........
How often, invested in our superfluous, everyday lives do we think deeply on aspects that hinder our growth and understanding as a person? With an age-old expectation of always having a shoulder by our side for supportive purposes, haven't we compromised the miraculous power of self-reflection and faith? With its most surprising style and flow, 'The Peculiar Pillar' might just bring about the change and clarity in your perspective - in some 1300 odd words - that will perhaps leave an impact on the rest of your journey through life! GIVE IT A GO... YOU WON'T LAMENT! :)