In the kingdom of Eldoria, King Alexander ruled with compassion and justice until his wife, Queen Isabella, disappeared due to an evil warlock's curse. Despite rumors of her demise, the king remained hopeful and searched for her for years. One day, a mysterious woman arrived, and the king felt a connection. They spent time together, and memories of their past started returning...
All those who practice the magical arts must be wary of the Test
An amazing journey in a fantasy set world following the confrontation between good and bad.
A man finds a way to travel back in time in order to break a curse.
Long ago, a prophecy was given which foretold the coming of a champion, a warrior who would bring an end to the conflict between the dragons and elves. A thousand years have passed now and still the prophecy has yet to come to pass, and many have lost hope of it ever coming true. Yet there are those who still believing that one day the champion will arrive and the war will end at last.
A cautionary tale for all you would be spell makers out there.
A mysterious valley with the promise of a treat for the drug lovers, but is there something more to the beauty? Read further to know more….