Setting up Subscription Pricing
Tiers for your Author Site

Learn how to edit subscription tiers to tailor them to your audience and maximize revenue.

How to Edit Subscription Tiers:

  • 1. Sign in and Navigate to the “Payouts” Page:
    Log in to your account and proceed to the Payouts page.
  • 2. Access the “Subscription Tiers” Tab:
    Click on the “Subscription Tiers” tab to manage your subscription plans.
  • Subscription Tiers | Short Story Lovers
  • 3. Set Up Your Subscriptions:
    Customize your subscription tiers according to your preferences and audience. You can modify pricing, tier name, description, and other details for any tier as needed. .
  • Edit Subscription Tiers | Short Story Lovers
  • 4. Keep the Free Tier Mandatory:
    While editing subscription tiers, ensure to retain the Free Tier option.

Note: Editing subscription tiers requires you to have Connected Stripe for payment processing.

Tips for Adding Subscription Tiers:

  • 1. Determine pricing based on your content and audience demographics. Most commonly priced tier is at $5 a month.
  • 2. Consider offering bonus perks for upper tier subscribers to attract them, such as one-on-one calls with them, branded merchandise, or book copies.
  • 3. Choose meaningful names for your tiers to highlight their value and create an emotional connection with your audience.
  • 4. Showcase your strengths as a writer to make subscribers feel they're getting unique content.
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