The cold winter breeze blew across the woods, bringing in a light pine scent into my log cabin. Chewy lay quietly by my feet wagging her tail, occasionally looking up to pick a scent. It was a day like any other December day for the past 15 years in my life, well yes, Chewy was a comparatively newer addition, I had picked her up as a little pup 6 years ago from a friend of mine who put her up ...
The cold winter breeze blew across the woods, bringing in a light pine scent into my log cabin. Chewy lay quietly by my feet wagging her tail, occasionally looking up to pick a scent. It was a day like any other December day for the past 15 years in my life, well yes, Chewy was a comparatively newer addition, I had picked her up as a little pup 6 years ago from a friend of mine who put her up ...