A story has a thousand lessons.
It was said that a king ordered his men to raise 10 wild dogs so that every person who defies the king, would be thrown away to the dogs to be eaten alive.
But one day, a minister who was close to the king gave an opinion about a subject to do with increased taxes. He said, "we have to support and invest in our local buisnesses rather than to raise their taxes. To help them not to milk them for all theyve got". The king, outraged by his speech, Yelled "Am i not King of these people ! They are under my rule, schools will be built, defenses will be made, we need to prepare an army and you say i am Miliking them!". As Furious as the king was, he ordered the guards to throw the minister to the dogs for defying his rule and command.
But the minister was not finished, as he spoke his final words. "My king! I have served under your banner and by your side in battle for 10 years, And this is how you repay me !?"
Which then the king replied "And what do you propose, as punishment for your defiance?"
" 10 days, my king" said the minister.
The King agreed to postpone his ministers execution for 10 days, and to allow one request.
The minister was taken to his jail cell, where to his surprise, saw it was where the king kept the wild dogs.
"Darius!" Shouted the minister to the keeper of the dogs.
I wish to serve these dogs for 10 days. And 10 days only.
an odd request thought Darius, Which brought Darius to ask the minister as to why.
"And what benefit would it be to you to serve these beasts? ".
The minister replied " Youwill understand in due time".
And so it was granted. The minister served the wild dogs by feeding them, washing them, and providing all means comfort for them, at the expense of his own food.
And when the 10 days were up, and the hourglass full, the king ordered the guards to bring forth the minister in the midst of the kingdom for all to watch, as he would set an example of him to the people. For all who defies his crown.
The minister was cut but the guard and thrown into the pit ready to be mauled by the dogs.
"Release the dogs!" Ordered the king.
Only to be baffled by what he had witnessed.
The dogs were barking at the kings feet.
Shocked and afraid, the king looked at the minister and said. "What did you do to these dogs!?"
The minister replied: "I have served you for 10 years, only to be thrown to the dogs, and yet i have served these dogs for 10 days and they defend me in my presence! Youve forgotten all i have done for you, all i have bled for you in these 10 years, and these dogs havent forgotten 10 days worth of my servitude towards them."
The king lowered his head and tears began running down his cheeks, in regret and shame as he ordered a pardon for the minister.
The king begged for the ministers forgiveness and a pardon was issued for him.
The minister was attended for his wounds, and shortly after, he stood up and spoke in a clear loud voice "
"My people ! A gift from my heart to all of you. Never deny your freindship ! Never take it for granted. Pardon those of you who wronged the other. Never let one incident fumble the chain of long sharedmemories of cherished ones we hold dear to our hearts! For birds eat the ants, and when the bird dies the ants eat the bird. Circumstances will change but do not let it change you.
Never underestimate the value of each other.
For people praise the wolf, and he is a threat to them
And they despise the dog, but he is loyal to them
And many people despise those who care for them and love those who criticize them! Never underestimate the value of your closest allies. And most importantly... never underestimate your own value".
It was said that a king ordered his men to raise 10 wild dogs so that every person who defies the king, would be thrown away to the dogs to be eaten alive.
But one day, a minister who was close to the king gave an opinion about a subject to do with increased taxes. He said, "we have to support and invest in our local buisnesses rather than to raise their taxes. To help them not to milk them for all theyve got". The king, outraged by his speech, Yelled "Am i not King of these people ! They are under my rule, schools will be built, defenses will be made, we need to prepare an army and you say i am Miliking them!". As Furious as the king was, he ordered the guards to throw the minister to the dogs for defying his rule and command.
But the minister was not finished, as he spoke his final words. "My king! I have served under your banner and by your side in battle for 10 years, And this is how you repay me !?"
Which then the king replied "And what do you propose, as punishment for your defiance?"
" 10 days, my king" said the minister.
The King agreed to postpone his ministers execution for 10 days, and to allow one request.
The minister was taken to his jail cell, where to his surprise, saw it was where the king kept the wild dogs.
"Darius!" Shouted the minister to the keeper of the dogs.
I wish to serve these dogs for 10 days. And 10 days only.
an odd request thought Darius, Which brought Darius to ask the minister as to why.
"And what benefit would it be to you to serve these beasts? ".
The minister replied " Youwill understand in due time".
And so it was granted. The minister served the wild dogs by feeding them, washing them, and providing all means comfort for them, at the expense of his own food.
And when the 10 days were up, and the hourglass full, the king ordered the guards to bring forth the minister in the midst of the kingdom for all to watch, as he would set an example of him to the people. For all who defies his crown.
The minister was cut but the guard and thrown into the pit ready to be mauled by the dogs.
"Release the dogs!" Ordered the king.
Only to be baffled by what he had witnessed.
The dogs were barking at the kings feet.
Shocked and afraid, the king looked at the minister and said. "What did you do to these dogs!?"
The minister replied: "I have served you for 10 years, only to be thrown to the dogs, and yet i have served these dogs for 10 days and they defend me in my presence! Youve forgotten all i have done for you, all i have bled for you in these 10 years, and these dogs havent forgotten 10 days worth of my servitude towards them."
The king lowered his head and tears began running down his cheeks, in regret and shame as he ordered a pardon for the minister.
The king begged for the ministers forgiveness and a pardon was issued for him.
The minister was attended for his wounds, and shortly after, he stood up and spoke in a clear loud voice "
"My people ! A gift from my heart to all of you. Never deny your freindship ! Never take it for granted. Pardon those of you who wronged the other. Never let one incident fumble the chain of long sharedmemories of cherished ones we hold dear to our hearts! For birds eat the ants, and when the bird dies the ants eat the bird. Circumstances will change but do not let it change you.
Never underestimate the value of each other.
For people praise the wolf, and he is a threat to them
And they despise the dog, but he is loyal to them
And many people despise those who care for them and love those who criticize them! Never underestimate the value of your closest allies. And most importantly... never underestimate your own value".