In a quaint clearing deep within the jungle lived a family: a mother, a father, a seven-year-old daughter named Lila, and her five-month-old baby brother, Timo. Every day, the father would venture out to sea fishing while the mother cared for the children. With the sun shining brightly, the family would spend their afternoons on the beach, where the mother would often collect beautiful tulips to cook for dinner.
One fateful evening, as the sun dipped low in the sky and the shadows began to stretch, the family awaited the father's return. As the hour grew late and hunger gnawed at their stomachs, the mother decided to climb the Tulip Tree. She elevated Lila's spirits by handing her the baby and instructing her to sit safely beneath the tree.
"Please stay here, Lila. I won't be long!" she assured her daughter, who looked up with worry in her eyes.
Climbing the sturdy branches, the mother began to pluck the delicate tulip strands. Yet, unbeknownst to her, the island's legends whispered a grave warning. Whenever the special bird cried, one had to return home immediately, lest disaster strike.
As the mother focused on her task, the air grew tense. Suddenly, the bird called out, "Keeepaaappiiii!" The first warning shot through the trees, and the mother felt a shiver run down her spine but continued to gather the tulips.
Then came the second cry, "Keeepaaappiiii!" Lila, sensing the peril, screamed up at her mother, "Mom! You need to come down! It's the bird!" Panic began to rise in her small voice.
Hurrying, the mother reached for onelast tulip. But as the bird wailed for the third time, "Keeepaaappiiii!" She lost her grip in a rush to escape. In that moment, she looked down in horror to see her legs starting to merge with the tree, roots twisting around her.
Desperately, she called down to her daughter, "Take Timo and run to your father! Hurry!" Tears streamed down her face as Lila clutched her brother and began to flee, the echo of the bird's call ringing ominously in her ears.
By the time the father returned home, news of the calamity had reached him too late. He rushed to the Tulip Tree, only to see his wife fully entwined, her body transformed, forever a part of the tree.
Over the years, Lila and Timo visited the tree often, planting vibrant flowers around its base, a tribute to their beloved mother. The legend of the bird lived on, an ever-vigilant reminder of the fateful day they lost her.
From that day forward, whenever the children heard the chilling cry of the bird, they would rush home, hearts pounding, heeding the warning it carried. And so, in the shadow of the Tulip Tree, they kept the memory of their mother alive, forever mindful of the bird that cried bad luck.
The End.