Two pigeons talk about how people treat them badly and how their lives have changed.
An innocent childhood friendship between a girl and a boy blossoms in to a life-long relationship marred with complexities
Life is a length tragedies taking different forms, enduring which requires Patience, Determination and Devotion. The funny thing is, love has all of them.
Each soul that we meet in life teaches us valuable lessons
Life has become a tug-of-war between earning to live and living to earn!
"The death ward always had a stench of mucus, pee and shit, barely covered by the pungent smell of antiseptics, but only that day I knew. That day, I was cursed." Part of growing up is finding the purpose of our life despite the ordeals it throws at us. This is a short, introspective story about a teenager who tries to understand the meaning of life and of death after witnessing a tragic event.