Two pigeons sitting.
1: Oopsieeee, I sat on the table where peeps were sitting again.
1: What?
2: Enough!
1: What's the matter anyway.
2: You will get shot or caged in. And respect the peeps.
1: What for? Peeps look at me as if I was a burglar or a stain.
2: We were great once. We carried letters to peeps from peeps, and now... We are parasites. What have we become.
1: It is not an issue.
George flew and sat on another table of peeps. This time he stole a potato stick. He returned.
2: You will get in trouble.
1: Hey, Everyone is doing that, it's just quicker.
2: We need to work on our manners. Soon there will be a war against peeps and us. If we do not do anything.
1: Then tell them not to throw the food around or scream at us for minding our own business. Karate might help.
2: It's hopeless, unless we turn into unicorns.
George laughed and flew away for more burger leftovers.
1: Oopsieeee, I sat on the table where peeps were sitting again.
1: What?
2: Enough!
1: What's the matter anyway.
2: You will get shot or caged in. And respect the peeps.
1: What for? Peeps look at me as if I was a burglar or a stain.
2: We were great once. We carried letters to peeps from peeps, and now... We are parasites. What have we become.
1: It is not an issue.
George flew and sat on another table of peeps. This time he stole a potato stick. He returned.
2: You will get in trouble.
1: Hey, Everyone is doing that, it's just quicker.
2: We need to work on our manners. Soon there will be a war against peeps and us. If we do not do anything.
1: Then tell them not to throw the food around or scream at us for minding our own business. Karate might help.
2: It's hopeless, unless we turn into unicorns.
George laughed and flew away for more burger leftovers.