

It has been told through the story that we get as much as we have written in our destiny.

Feb 21, 2024  |   2 min read
More from Anmolagarwal
There lived a fisherman named Gaurav in some village, he was very upset with the condition of his family, there was not a single grain to eat. One day Gaurav was catching fish sitting by the sea, he saw a box flowing in the sea. Gaurav was in the sea. Swim and picked up the box, as soon as he opened the box, a goddess came out of it, the goddess said to pride, you have freed me from 30 years of imprisonment, ask what do you believe Gaurav told me a lot of money I want the financial condition of my house is very bad Devi said I will give you a lot of gold coins and if a single gold coin falls in the ground it will turn into mud Gaurav said it is okay Gaurav had a fishing net Gaurav spread the net in front of the goddess, the goddess started pouring gold coins in it, the net was filled and growing, the net was filled with so many gold coins that there was no more gold coins left in it. Even the greed of pride was not ending, he was thinking that more and more coins should come in it, the weight of the net had increased a lot. The net was torn from below, all the gold coins fell in the ground, nothing felt in Gaurav's hand.

 What does this story teach us that we should not be too greedy?

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