

This story tells how a king listened to his guru's talk, Mann ki Baat and established peace in his kingdom.

Feb 21, 2024  |   2 min read
More from Anmolagarwal
Once there was an attack of tuberculosis in Kannada country, the number of patients was increasing day by day. The king officers appointed in the metropolis requested the king to wake up, wrote many letters and gave all the information even after being present himself. Now King Wakepan's eyes opened and he built a huge Tuberculosis hospital in the city, good doctors were appointed in it. King Vanwekappan, who was residing in a forest, reached the forest and requested Mahatma Anand Atmanand, Gurudev, I have a strong desire that the Tuberculosis Hospital should be inaugurated by your lotus tax. Saying that I do not want to come to shut him down, the Mahatma became immersed in meditation by closing his eyes and understood that Mahatma Atmanand wanted to step into these capitals until the decay was completely destroyed and the medical Salaya will not be needed, the king, keeping Mahatma's message of humanity in his heart, put his full strength in the eradication of disease and finally got success.

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