


Feb 21, 2024  |   10 min read


Nina McCutcheon
Long ago Jesus Christ asked the question to his followers and only one of them got the answer. It was peter. So God Blessed him and built his church upon him. He was the rock.

The question Jesus Christ asked was not because it benefited him, because Jesus already new who He was. He asked the question because it would benefit them as a result.

Jesus Christ , God in the flesh. 

God created many vessels throughout generations , who did many things compelled by God, through the Holy Spirit.

Mary bore witness to Jesus Christ, through the Holy spirit. She birthed Jesus Christ. In The Flesh.

She did not have sexual relations.

Noah built the Ark, and God spoke to Noah and told him before he build the ark, that God was going to destroy the earth and every living things, except two of each animal, and Noah's family.

John The Baptist , Baptized with water, many people, and was compelled by the Holy Spirit, speaking about Jesus Christ, and the one calling out in the wilderness. He baptized Jesus Christ.

Elizabeth bore witness to John the Baptist in her old age.

Jonah and the whale was a great story, and Jonah was swallowed up by a whale , in the belly for 40 days and nights, lived through it and was spewed out of the whale latter onto the earth, due to his disobedience to God.

One of my favorite used by God was Moses , who was used by God to lead the slaves out of captivity , he through the Holy Spirit was used by God to use a long stick to represent gods power over pharaoh the Government Leader of that day. Moses was given power to split the sea, and the people were able to cross over safe .  He lead the tribes to
the promised land. He also helped God write the 10 commandments .

I wrote this in order to let people know that God has never changed His ways, His ways of conduct, who He choses, or His commandments. Throughout Generations God has used many to full fill His will and purposes on earth, and to full fill prophecy .

Technology , and mankind laws are the only things that have changed.

God though has not and He expects us all to remember that and abide by His commandments, rules and regulation, even in 2017 and onward. Mankind though has taken what God has commanded of us, and disobeyed Him, made up there own commandments, and laws. They have branched off, to destruction, causing there own issues, on earth.

One of those issues is this: There is a organization in our day and age called Mental Health, and the Government. They have taken lives that hear Gods voice, The devils Voice, and seen Angels, and visions and dreams , and made those things into a mental illness, medicated it and locked people up for it against there will. They seem to think that people in poverty, would not be used by God, or have Spiritual Gifts. Even Churches have turned against lower class individuals and sent them into exile to the worldly ways , into Mental Health Systems and allowed them to suffer in the systems on account of  lack of wisdom.

Moses, was not a rich man, but came from a poor family, adopted into a rich family, a roman man.

Mary who bore witness to Jesus Christ was a poor woman.

John the Baptist and many others, were in fact poor.

The systems and Governments have taken lives, and twisted the truth today, making Gifted people, who are chosen by God, and put them through much persecution
and trials, not needed in our world today.

Because God has not changed ever, He has Chosen more in 2017 to full fill His purposes and in fact they are poor people , living on the streets, without homes, who God is using. How do I know this? Because I am one of those people. I live it, I breath it, I am living proof of it.

Throughout life people are persecuted, treated like they did with Jesus Christ.

I have suffered greatly throughout my Journey , because I hear God's voice, have seen visions of end time things to come and things that I will be doing . God has sustained me through it all, mindfully and no man has been able to override what God has been doing in my life throughout. Even though I was locked up, medicated, my freedom taken from me, my birth info destroyed and more, God has given me strength, a way out, and the ability to go on, sustained me. He who has done a good work, will do it to the end , says the Lord.

If you take a look at what I have endured, which is proven in systems, written in hospitals, and all over Canada, you will see what I am trying to say. I am going to set up a Journey for you all, I would like you to go on with me, in order to prove a point, and who God has Chosen Nina for.

1. I would like you to read my Stories about my experiences:!/2017/06/when-is-it-too-much.html!/2017/05/let-me-introduce-myself-to-vancouver-bc.html!/2017/05/res.html!/2017/05/my-story-published-into-book.html!/2017/04/my-roll-and-what-i-do.html!/2017/05/my-position.html!/2017/04/gathering-place-school-fights-to-stay.html!/2017/03/london-ontario-canada.html!/2017/02/my-family-issues-abandonement.html!/2017/02/why-is-it-okay.html

Every story I have written has represented and proven who I am, what my purposes are and who God chose me to be.

What does Nina do, on this earth, her daily walk, proves it all.

 When your done reading about Nina, I would like you to
then go to the Bible, line it up with these Chapters: Revelation 11 - 12 , Ezekiel the whole book, Isaiah 10,  and line up these chapters and verses with my stories.

Then I would like you to go outside and look around at the statues around you. London Ontario has a statue in the city by the funeral home, of a woman with eagle wings. Vancouver BC has one downtown by the river , and I am sure many other cities have built one as well.

Who is this Winged Lady?

Have you seen her in a vision?

Have you heard her voice?

Whose Voice do you hear evidently throughout the land, on a daily bases , from miles away?

I am going to write down the visions God gave me:

1. I had a vision I was standing outside the Ark Aid Street Mission , in London Ontario Canada. I was standing on the side walk, and in the middle of a bright sunshine day, all of a sudden the whole earth turned black, and the sky began to roll like the sea, moving quickly more quickly then you could ever imagine. Then God  spoke through me loudly , so everyone could hear me, and proclaimed the beginning of the tribulation time. As I was used to speak out, a girl on the other side of the street yelled out at me saying: YA RIGHT NINA, questioning it. As soon as she did this, in my vision I saw family and people who died, walking upon the ground the earth again. I then latter new, I had to head East Bound. So I started out on my Journey towards where Jesus Christ will be at the end.

This vision represents God using my voice throughout the land, who I am in Christ Jesus, and His purpose.
It represents the tribulation and that it will happen in our day and age. This is the generation it will happen in, that will not pass away. Revelation tells about this vision, the  clouds rolling fast and the darkening of the earth.

I would like you to look it up please.

2. I saw a vision of myself standing under a tree, I was speaking to children and people of every Nation , and creed. As I spoke in the distance was a evil force, one of the children , a boy ran to the other side, as he ran to the other side, I yelled out: DON'T GO THERE!

This vision represents the governments, and systems, my chosen purpose to the Nations, what I would be doing and that I would be used by God, to protect the innocent, the children of God.

If you read Revelation 12, it says A woman, and her children are the saints.

In my stories you will see that my suffering in Canada, has been suffering that would not be done in a free Country, but only heard of in remote Countries. Why does Nina suffer more in Canada? This is the question you need to be asking yourself.

Revelation 12, speaks of the dragon who persecutes this woman.

His mission is to cause her harm, and to persecute the children of God. Her Children. She is THE CHOSEN WOMAN OF ISREAL.

She fights for truth, and against injustice, in our world today.

Revelation 12 you may say is about Mary, or about a Country, but I would like you all to know, that Revelation 12 is yes about that, but is not speaking only about a Country, or Mary, but about Past and future events.


A Few Chosen
People Will Lead.

So why is it, in my first vision, that I did not go up with the Christians to the Clouds? I instead headed East Bound towards Jerusalem where Jesus Christ will be at the end?

Its not because I am not born again, or missed the Mark. It is because I am who I say I am, Chosen By God right? I have to go all the way. Lead the Tribes to the promised Land.

Moses did it, and God has appointed another in our day.

Not a Chosen purpose I really desire to endure, believe me, I would rather not.

This my friends is your indication, that I did not Chose my purposes on this earth, but am doing it, because God asked me to, and I love Him.

3. I had a vision that I was going up and down a river, as I was going up and down this river, I saw people running for there lives across the land past me towards Jerusalem. I looked up and saw a man coming down from the clouds, and as He came down I saw a mountain, and He was coming towards it. As I saw this happening, He then dried up the river I was going up and down, and I was able then to walk safe upon it, on dry land, towards the Mountain where He would appear.

Revelation 12 speaks about this vision.

4. I saw a vision of myself running through the land, and as I ran, I saw people falling to the ground, the sun was very hot, and so hot, it was scorching man, as I ran, I saw the peoples flesh popping open, and so dried up, it looked like there skin was so red and boiled from the sun, they were falling to the ground in anguish
 and pain, crying out for help.

This vision speaks for its self. as does the other one. It also is written in the Bible in Revelations. Find it please.

There are many other visions I have had, but these ones will show you who God chose me for today.

NEXT STEP: Those who said these things to me, know who they are. My friend in London Ontario Kendra can verify one of those things said to me by a Pastor. The Pastor who said it can verify it, and many others. There is proof of everything I have written and said .

1. A Female Pastor prayed over me ounce, she did not know me, and as she prayed over me, she had a vision  of me: Her Vision: NINA she said I saw you in a vision holding flags of every Nation over your head, saying come this way.

2. A pastor male prayed over me and said out of the blue, Lord we pray Nina hears more Siron's .

3. My friend Willy saw two Angels over me, he was amazed and yelled out NO WAY. He believed he saw Micheal the Ark Angel.

4. My Mentor Jennifer from Police London, has questioned why I suffer so much. She said Nina , hold your head up high, you have over come more then anyone , in the shortest time, in the whole world.

5. Jan a worker in London Ontario in CMHA , said to me: Nina be careful they may create a stature of you soon, and you may win the noble prize.

6.A girl on the Streets came up to me, and said: Nina We Know God Chose You to Help Us.

He sent you for us.

Just some of the things said about me, and to me directly.

Though humbling and a great commission, and purpose indeed.
I give all the Glory honor and Praise To My God, Jesus Christ. It is only because of Him.

So can you figure it out? Who Is Nina ? Like Jesus Christ asked his followers I ask you as well. Not because Jesus Christ needed to know, or do I need to know, I already know who I am in Christ Jesus, my Purpose. Its for our sake Jesus Christ asked, for your sake I ask as well.


There are many others going in, in our day and generation, a elected people, a few chosen. I am sure they feel the same way. Glory To God In The Highest.

God says to you who laugh at our pain, persecute us, and put us to shame, lock us up against our will, and treat us badly : STOP HURTING MY BABY GIRL, STOP HURTING MY CHILDREN, SAYS THE LORD.


You do the work, find out, check it out. If you can not, then bridle your mouths. Peace Be with you all.

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